I remember someone who lived in an old dilapidated yurt on a goat ranch, with her cat and dog.
Continue reading Flights
Muddled Goodbyes
A strange world, to be writing this in the air, flying back to California.
Continue reading Muddled Goodbyes
It wasn’t until I got dressed to leave that I felt emotional.
Rosemary for Remembrance
She doesn’t know that the jewelry box has her name taped to the bottom, in case something happens and I don’t come back. But she points to the rabbit pelt underneath it.
“Is that from a rabbit?” she asks, feeling it.
“Yes,” I tell her, not sure if she’ll be upset relating it to her pet who died last year.
“I like it,” she says, surprising me.
Continue reading Rosemary for Remembrance
Meet the Milk Line
I thought you might like to meet all of the ladies. I usually bring them into the milking barn in two strings of seven and six.
Continue reading Meet the Milk Line
Red Thread: The High Priestess
The Waking
Sometimes someone else has said it so much better, there isn’t any point in trying. Continue reading The Waking
Migration Season
Note to readers: I will very likely be putting Junden.com under a system to require a login for reading. I’ll plan to send email to those of you who have commented on posts. For others, there will be instructions on the site, or drop me a note if you need help. At the moment, I’m thinking that I’ll keep this site private but start a new more public blog. There are things I’ve been wanting to write about here that I haven’t felt comfortable sharing, but would like to try to start, among friends at first.
Hawk watch starts soon, and yesterday some of our team rode around the back roads of Davis, looking at the Swainson’s Hawks who are staging for their migration to South America. These hawks congregate in the fields, eating insects, and then begin their journey for South America…one of the longer raptor migrations. Continue reading Migration Season
Fern Grove
One of the unexpected benefits of living here is the access we have to Fern Grove.
Continue reading Fern Grove
Sitting in Uncertainty
I’ve never been good with sitting with uncertainty. Most of the time, I make decisions quickly, and start action towards a resolution. Sitting in the middle of the unknown is not comfortable territory.
Continue reading Sitting in Uncertainty