Fox Medicine

Not long after my sister was born, when I was two, my parents heard that a mother fox had been killed nearby and there was a litter of fox kits. My mother bundled me up so Dad could take me to see them. Somehow, we came home with one of the kits. It’s easy to imagine a toddler me, babbling with delight over the baby foxes, and somehow also easy to imagine my father giving in to the impulse to bring one home with us. Kippy became a pet.
There was also a puppy, “my” dog, Puff. They tell me that I would shuffle around the house in my footed pajamas, Kippy hanging onto one ankle and Puff the other, growling and tugging furiously as I dragged them over the hardwood floor, laughing.

As Kippy got older, she was put away after each playtime, into a pen on the screened-in porch. One day as Mom was putting her back in the pen, Kippy bit my mom. After that, Kippy had to live in a pen in the garage, and our play times were over. When I was five, we moved to another house. Kippy did not come with us. (You knew it wasn’t going to end well, didn’t you?)

I don’t have a really conscious memory, in the usual sense, of playing with Kippy. But I know that there are feelings I have when I remember that time. Feelings of warmth, of sunlight on wood floor, and a very strong sense of play. I have an unmistakable sense of hearing a sudden noise, and all three of us turning our heads towards it. It was right and good back then to be a sensitive creature. Fox is able to remain unseen in plain view, the protector of the family. As you might suspect, I have great affinity for the fox clan.

I can’t tell you why I need wild nature, quiet places, and connection with the furred and the feathered. I only know that I do, and I need to keep remembering and honoring that, and to reject the guilt I sometimes feel over needing that as the daughter of people who never got such choices in life. I need to remember to pull myself away from the computer, the chores, the endless parade of crap that I get entangled with, my futile worrying and planning and arranging to make everything come out my way, in constant search of instant gratification or ego strokes. To get outside…out out out.

There used to be a me who had no trouble living in the here and now, a me who played with a fox and a dog, a me who was perfectly content in a perfect world.

She’s still there sometimes; I find her maybe watching a family of White-tailed Kites in a tree, or listening to the delicate sound of pelican wings overhead. She is the best part of me.

White Pelicans.

Disco Inferno

It was eighth grade CCD class…those were the classes we went to at church on Wednesday nights. We never knew what CCD stood for, but it turns out it’s “Confraternity of Christian Doctrine”, something established in Rome in the sixteenth century. Basically, it’s religious ed for those of us who weren’t attending a Catholic school.
That year, they split us up into small groups and we met in the basement of the school. I was in a class of about six kids, all of them from another school. Our instructor was the owner of Fast Eddies, a drive-through carryout store, where you didn’t even have to get out of your car to buy your beer and wine.

There was a boy in that class who was acting out a bit; let’s call him Brad. He’d make outrageous comments during class, and would draw elaborate depictions of pills and syringes on his class handouts. The other kids in the class made fun of him and informed me that he liked me. I didn’t really like him, but the idea of any boy liking me was such a novel thing, I went along with it. I drew mustaches and devil horns on pictures of the pope on my own handouts to show solidarity.

They had a retreat for junior high school kids that year, on a day when our schools were all closed for a teacher in-service day. This was 1977, and the folks running the retreat were the same folks who made the hippy banners for the church and struggled to strum their way through guitar mass. 1977 might seem a little late for that, but this was small-town Ohio…we were always behind.
During a break at the retreat, I was swinging on the swings. Brad wandered over to talk to me. As he talked, I pumped my legs harder and harder, flying higher and higher on the swing, full of nervous energy. I don’t remember what he said, but I remember not wanting anyone to see us talking.

Later, during the retreat, they split the boys and girls up, took us to different rooms for a sex ed type of session. It was painful for me; they didn’t really teach us anything, just encouraged us to ask questions. I didn’t know enough to have any questions. I felt humiliated when we were asked who had gotten their periods already; I felt that the girls who raised their hands already knew how much wiser and more sophisticated they were than me. I can’t remember what was actually discussed, but I remember being shocked by some of the candor. I couldn’t imagine not being ashamed to talk about my body so frankly.

A couple weeks later, there was a dance planned at my school. I usually went to the dances with my friends, holding out hope until the very end that a boy would ask me. I figured that this boy from CCD liked me, so I’d ask him to the dance, and somehow I managed to do that. Funny, I can’t remember how. Maybe a note? I was a coward, so probably it was a note. The year before, I’d given the boy of my obsession a note:

Do you like me? Check one and send this note back to me:


Yes, as a friend

Yes, as a girlfriend

The first time I put the note in his locker, he ignored it. The second time, he checked the dreaded box #2, and gave it to his friend to give back to me. I saw them talking, then the friend walked down the row in study hall and flipped the note onto my desk, saying something nasty and hateful to me.

I’m sure I was no less elegant with asking Brad to the dance.

I remembered when he did answer, it was after CCD class. He came up to me on the playground while we were going to our car in the dark October night, and I was with my brothers and sisters. I was in a panic that he would talk to me around them. They mustn’t know! I let out some horrible tirade about him being gross and of course I didn’t like him. It was if I couldn’t help myself, like I was watching myself do it from outside. I am still miserably ashamed of myself when I think about it now.
The next Wednesday, I talked to him again, and explained that I was around my family at the time and was sorry I’d said all that. He didn’t seem to mind…the poor guy was probably used to it, to be honest. But we arranged for him to go to the dance with me.

On the night of the dance, I waited in the lobby of school for him. Word got around and some of the other kids waited around also, to see who would possibly go to the dance with me. When he came in the door, of course, they all laughed. But we made a quick escape into the dark gym, and went to the top of the bleachers to sit.

He held my hand, and we talked. I felt frozen with fear and tension. There was no punch bowl at this dance to alleviate my edginess; those appeared later, in high school. My best friend and her new friend, Cindy, came to talk to us. Cindy never hid her loathing for me. They stood and talked to us for a while, then Cindy suddenly grabbed my hand and shoved it into Brad’s crotch. I was angry, but Brad didn’t seem to mind.

We slow danced during the slow songs and talked during the fast songs. He brought up the retreat and when they split up the boys and the girls and said that he thought it was wrong that they did that. He thought they should have kept us all together and that it would have been much better. I tried to change the subject.

The dance ground down to the bitter end of the evening. Brad tried to grind his erection into me while dancing, and I pretended not to notice and shifted away each time. Right here in the junior high school gym? Ew.
My dad came to pick us up at the end of the dance. We climbed into the back seat and sat next to each other, maybe holding hands. The radio in the car was broken, so we tried to make conversation all the way back to Ayersville. (My mom said later that Dad vowed to get the car radio fixed right away after that.) I can’t remember…when we dropped him off, did he give me a kiss on the cheek? I just remember being horrified by the whole experience, there with my dad. We drove away, and I climbed over the seat to sit in the front on the way home.

I didn’t really talk to Brad much during the rest of the year. Later, I noticed him in church because he became an altar boy and seemed to find religion and got more involved with the church. But we never really had conversations or were even friends after that. And for the rest of junior high and high school, I never did go to a dance with a boy. Eventually, I just didn’t go to them at all.

Despite the feelings of humiliation and shame that I still feel when I remember this story, I laugh at myself more. I’ve become an adult who’s still quite awkward in social situations. Most of all, I’m struck by the sense of isolation I felt and how I didn’t feel like I could talk to anyone then about my real feelings. I’d like to time-travel back to the person I was, and to tell her, “Hang in there. You’re going to be fine. It’s going to get better. It’s going to get much, much better.”

Heathen on the Water

I was happy to get a kayak back in the water on Monday, checking out Estero Americano for the first time, after over a year of no paddling at all. It took a silly amount of will for me to get over my fear and reluctance to make the effort, even knowing it would all be worth it. And it was.

I’m reading The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World by David Abram. It’s been a long hard slog through this book, but I’m in a good section now, and am struck by this passage:

For the Navajo, then, the Air—particularly in its capacity to provide awareness, thought, and speech—has properties that European, alphabetic civilization has traditionally ascribed to an interior, individual human “mind” or “psyche.” Yet by attributing these powers to the Air, and by insisting that the “Winds within us” are thoroughly continuous with the Wind at large—with the invisible medium in which we are immersed—the Navajo elders suggest that that which we call the “mind” is not ours, is not a human possession. Rather, mind as Wind is a property of the encompassing world, in which humans—like all other beings—participate. One’s individual awareness, the sense of a relatively personal self or psyche, is simply that part of the enveloping Air that circulates within, through and around one’s particular body; hence, one’s own intelligences is assumed, from the start, to be entirely participant with the swirling psyche of the land.

On the water, I try to feel that. Can I break through the wall of my own thoughts, into the air around me? I have had those feelings of oneness with nature; usually, animals are involved, perhaps with a hawk with a broken wing or with an elk who shakes his antlers at me. But the feeling is fleeting. I can’t summon it up at will.

I’ve been hearing people talk about how their god or their higher power loves them. And as I paddle along, I think about this. Do I feel loved by my higher power? I dig deep for the feeling, but I find that it’s not there for me, at least not now. I’m not terribly bothered by this, but I do wonder what they are experiencing. I have a kernel of worry that maybe it’s something I need to be able feel so I don’t keep trying to make gods out of men and then seek their love.

My father spends our conversation on father’s day bemoaning my lapsed Catholism; I finally reveal to him that it’s worse than he thought…that I’m not only a non-church goer, but I’m a Buddhist, too. I finally, finally understand that he will never accept who I am. But I am quicker to understand that it is easier for me to feel compassion for a mere mortal than it is for me to have compassion for a god. He asks me to say an “Our Father”, and I don’t have the heart to tell him how often I find myself holding hands in a circle saying that already…or how that “father” part of that grates on me when I do.

The wind picks up, pushes me and the ‘yak forward, and I remember the Navajo concept of a mind as wind. I imagine that I am in my place here on the estero, breathing in and breathing out, breath mingling with the breaths of the doe with two spotted fawns under the tree, or the cries of the raven chasing the eagle who rolls to threaten the raven with its feathered talons. The air envelops me as I move through it and it also moves through me as I breathe; it accepts me and I it. Is this being loved? More questions. Always with the questions.

I put the paddle down, drag my fingers in the water as it passes through the estero and out to the ocean. I breath in and out, and I dangle my fingers, and I really am connected, via air and water, to everything else breathing this air and touching this water. What would it feel like to be loved back by it all? What am I expecting? Is it already here?

My stubborn head always gets in the way. Cut it off and set it down beside me in the water; I should have brought a rope to tow it with, let the fish nibble at it along the way. And turn my mind over to the lovely wind.

Goat Milking Compared to Bartending

bar patrons vs goats

Goats Bar Patrons
When trying to move a goat, use inertia…go any direction with the goat, then plant your feet and pivot to your desired direction. When trying to move a drunk, use inertia…go any direction with the drunk, then plant your feet and pivot to your desired direction.
Pushing can work better than pulling. The goat seems to have some delusion of control if you’re less visible in their direction of motion. Pushing can work better than pulling. The drunk seems to have some delusion of control if you’re less visible in their direction of motion.
Frequently make messes that you have to clean up. Frequently make messes that you have to clean up. (But I prefer the goat manure.)
Have their favorite spots at the feed trough in the milk line. Have their favorite spots at the bar.
There will be disputes and feuds that you won’t understand. It’s usually best to stay out of it. There will be disputes and feuds that you won’t understand. It’s usually best to stay out of it.
They don’t like to go out in the rain; during inclement weather, it can be difficult to get them to leave the barn. They don’t like to go out in the rain; during inclement weather, it can be difficult to get them to leave the bar.
There are eccentrics. Birch turns around every time she goes through a doorway or gate. Orchid bucks and kicks for no apparent reason. There are eccentrics. Lucille washes her hands every ten minutes and throws paper towels on the floor. Randy sits in the back booth and argues with god.
They are sensitive to changes in their environment. “Ack! Stop, wait! What’s that new yellow box in the barn?!!” They are sensitive to changes in their environment. “Hey, new coasters. I like the old ones better. What happened to those?”
If you are running late in opening the door, they will be waiting outside impatiently. If you are running late in opening the door, they will be waiting outside impatiently.
Sometimes they don’t want to leave. Food can be a motivator. “Look girls, time to leave. Here, follow me, here’s the grain bucket!” Sometimes they don’t want to leave. Food can be a motivator. “Sorry, our kitchen is closed. Have you tried that new Chinese place down the street?”
Every once in a while, you lose one. It hurts, even though you knew better than to get attached. Every once in a while, you lose one. It hurts, even though you knew better than to get attached.
Eventually, you have to shut the place down and clean. If you’re not insistent, they will wander around the place, getting in your way, making more messes, and generally trying to keep the party going. Eventually, you have to shut the place down and clean. If you’re not insistent, they will wander around the place, getting in your way, making more messes, and generally trying to keep the party going.
You will have your favorites. Rozena gets an extra scoop of grain once in a while. You will have your favorites. John F. gets the employee discount.
To clean the milk lines: connect everything up in a big loop, then pump soapy water through the lines. Follow with a rinse cycle. To clean the beer tap lines: connect everything up in a big loop, then pump soapy water through the lines. Follow with a rinse cycle.