
I finally admitted that my cutlass probably wasn’t coming back unless I wanted to go interrogate all the neighbors and try to explain that I didn’t just want any cutlass, I want the one I arrived here with. It’s not so much the effort of making that understood as the embarrassment of seeming so petty. So I decided to buy a new one. I went to the farm supply store I tend to favor, and the shopkeep joined me at the racks of cutlasses he has facing the street.
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A Good Project Week

Last week was really great in terms of making progress on projects; I did more “real Peace Corps work” than ever before. The fact that I have less than four months remaining creates a sense of urgency for me, and I think Stephen and others I work with are also feeling it. Stephen’s been doing a great job of helping to coordinate the community and set up all the meetings and work days we need to have.
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